Empowerment Sessions

From the heart to the heart... having heard our Speaker's personal life stories, you will have a deeper sense of what they are bringing you in these sessions. This is where you are invited to explore and experience for yourself the healing and transformative processes they have discovered or created especially for you. We invite you to add your comments and questions to the talk pages. We will bring everything together for the Q&A sessions at the end of the week.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Sarah McCrum

Sarah McCrum

Teacher, Transformational Coach & Author, The Spirit Of Generosity

Jac O'Keeffe

Jac O'Keeffe

Spiritual Leader, Teacher & Author, www.Jac-OKeeffe.com

Will Pye

Will Pye

Teacher, Transformational Coach, Speaker and Author, www.WillPye.com

Dr. Kathy Bullock

Dr. Kathy Bullock

Prof. of Music, Performer, Conductor, www.DrKathyBullock.com

Vish Chatterji

Vish Chatterji

Executive Coach & Keynote Speaker, Author of "The Business Casual Yogi, Head & Heart Insights

Dorota Owen

Dorota Owen

Teacher, International Speaker, Catalyst, www.DorotaOwen.com

Dr. Vic Manzo Jr.

Dr. Vic Manzo Jr.

Transformational Mindset Coach - Speaker - Author, Empower Your Reality

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne

Goal Mapping Coach, Author, International Speaker, Brian Mayne's World of Goal Mapping

Angela Trainer

Angela Trainer

Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Author, The Harvest Clinic

Dawn Cawthra

Dawn Cawthra

Artist, Teacher & Holistic Health Practitioner, www.DawnCawthra.co.uk

Pamela Grimm

Pamela Grimm

Fitness Instructor, PamG Fitness

Julie Anne Hart

Julie Anne Hart

Channelling Transmitter of Higher Wisdom, iChannelWisdom

Louise Hurley

Louise Hurley

Reiki Healer, Drama Teacher, Theatre Writer & Director, The Healing Hand

Jennifer Main

Jennifer Main

Initiator & Transformational Guide, Author & Speaker, www.WithJennifer.com

Leo Sofer

Leo Sofer

Intuitive Story Teller, Stories of the Journey Home


Reclaiming Your Body & Aging Consciously

Jac O'Keeffe

Transforming Your Relationship With Money

Sarah McCrum

Enlightenment Through Overcoming Adversity

Vic Manzo

Mapping Your Way To Success

Brian Mayne

Building an Attitude of Gratitude

Pamela Grimm

Release Fear and Surrender to Success

Dorota Owen

Connecting With Your Intuitive Storyteller

Leo Sofer

Expanding Your Conscious Awareness

Jennifer Main

Connect with Inner Wisdom through Art

Dawn Cawthra

Breath, Body & Soul

Louise Hurley

Radical Gratitude

Will Pye

Ancient Vedic/Yoga Mantra Meditation Techniques

Vish Chatterji

Spiritual Connection Through Song

Kathy Bullock

A Healing Stroll through the 'Garden of Your Mind'

Angela Trainer

Awakening To Your Sacred Destiny

Julie Anne Hart